The June Paris Letter and a disdain for white asparagus
Paris markets are showing off their spring veggies. Most of the time I gasp with glee when I see the mounds of radishes and cherries. But then this jerk comes along:White asparagus is just regular asparagus that has been buried deeper or covered with soil so it can't reach the surface for a breath of sunlight to help it turn green. For more information, go to this handy article:
Already I feel suffocated just looking at this monstrous injustice.And people buy it... loads of it... and it's pricey. The bunch shown above was 15 Euros. If they only knew it was just tortured regular asparagus, available at the next booth for 2 Euro. White asparagus doesn't even taste as good as green asparagus... I bought an entire lunch including wine once for 15 Euros with white asparagus on the side. What. Is. All. The. Fuss?Even if green asparagus was bad for me I'd eat it. A little heat, a little butter, a little salt and you've got yourself a party on your palate. But the white version? Non merci.So that's what this month's June Paris Letter is all about. A rant about tortured grasses against the backdrop of the lovely Place Monge market in the 5th.
Avails in the shop, and more specifically, this listing.In my youth, I would have examined the possible projections. What is it REALLY about white asparagus that I loathe? What does the white asparagus represent? (YA... obvs.) How can I learn to FORGIVE the white asparagus? To even love it?I would have done self inquiry up the wazoo. Worked out some kinks in the psyche. But now, either with age or life or time, I just eat my green asparagus and have a good time. And pat myself on the back for painting a fountain that turned out well. Painting water can be tricky.
Also, I'm slowly listing more original art in the shop. Some of it was featured in the books, some in letters. And a few made their one and only splashy debut in my shop. It's time for them to leave my binders and go find the sunshine on walls around the world. Ahhh now there is the projection. Knew it was there somewhere.
More original art will be posted all summer long, but for now, it's time for lunch and green asparagus is on the menu.