The 2025 Paris Planner is here… and it’s glorious.

Prepare yourself for a flurry of photos of the fancy new 2025 Paris Planner… now available on Amazon.

You might as well ALSO prepare yourself for 2025 by getting this planner. Mostly because it has SO MUCH ART. This time I read the reviews, which you should never do because Elizabeth Gilbert says it’s like eating a sandwich that MIGHT have glass in it. But I did and you liked the planners from the previous years but were kind of bummed that there wasn’t more PARIS STUFF.

Feast your eyes:

If you think you will get a new full page piece of Paris every stinkin’ week of the year, YOU ARE CORRECT.

Over 52 images of Paris, my sweet!

This time I pulled out all the good photos, paintings, and collages. Oh what a treat it was to scroll through my images and remember when I would walk around Paris so much that I was sure my feet wouldn’t recover. But a night of sleep and MIRACLES OF MIRACLES, my feet were ready for another urban hike around Paris.

Click clack feet, click clack camera, click clack repeat.

But enough about that. Back to the planner.

I went ahead and gave a page for each week, all neat and tidy-like. Every Sunday you can turn the page and behold another dreamy bit of Paris.

But it’s not all fun and games. We need to get productive. Oh yes, PRODUCTIVITY is one of the buzz words for 2025. That means full page calendars, goal lists, a habit tracker, and even a mantra of the month.

Since my kid went back to school, my Mantra of the Month was: DO IT AND GET IT DONE. Turns out my dopamine hit of choice involves finishing projects. Happy dance!

I added some coloring page at the end of the book because it turns out we are still not done with coloring pages.

Each coloring page has lined notebook paper on the back so you can tear it out and make your own Paris letter. Look at you with the fanciness!

The REAL reason I added a slew of art this year is because it’s so much fun to casually flip through a book. Color me nostalgic for print magazines. It does kind of feel like that as you flip through to look at the art. Plus, if you are one of the RARE people who don’t always fill out the whole planner, you can always tear out the pages and make something crafty… like a collage or letter or paper airplane. Wait… what?

The photo above looks a bit hard-cover-ish. Sorry about that. It’s not hardcover because hardcover is only available in a small number of places (and my Australian brethren get VERY put out when they are left out). Nor is it spiral bound, as I am bound by the limitations of Amazon’s printers who haven’t clued in that the world might enjoy a spiral bound experience. But it is nice and slim so it slips into your bag nicely. AND it’s 7x10 inches, which is the perfect size. Not too big. Not too small.

Speaking of slipping into your bag nicely…

Look at you au courant with your weaved basket, slipping a copy of the 2025 Paris Planner into your bag as you head out to the market to buy autumnal things… or Christmas gifts … or selfie pressies… or gifts for the French teacher or student… or Francophile friend… or or or…

Also, if you buy it today along with everyone else who reads this message, you’ll boost the Amazon algorithm, which will share it with other people who might like a little piece of Paris in their 2025, which would pretty much make my day, my year, and all of my 2025. So if you buy it now, THANK YOUUUUUUUUUUUUU.

Gigantic MERCI,

Janice MacLeod

Janice MacLeod is a course creator who helps people write books and create online businesses out of their art. She is a New York Times best seller, and her book Paris Letters, is a memoir about how she became an artist in Paris selling illustrated letters. She has a vibrant Etsy shop and was one of the pioneering entrepreneurs featured on Etsy's Quit Your Day Job newsletter. She has been featured in Business Insider, Forbes, Canadian Living, Psychologies Today, Elle, Huff Post, and CBC.

A tribute to Autumn in Paris


Paris Letters is in People magazine