Paris Letters is in People magazine

Holy smokes. Can you believe it?!?! Here is the article… then my usual evaluation of the day below.

Mighty impressive stuff. It’s glossy, it’s glam, it’s glorious. Read the article.

Also, I am always amazed at how these shiny things juxtapose to what non-glam things are happening in life. Today for instance, I found out about this People magazine business at the mall after a frightfully pink, glossy, and expensive visit to Claire’s.

If you don’t know Claire’s, it’s about the best store in the world for little girls.

It’s pretty much horrible for everyone else.

It’s a dazzling display of sequins and sparkles, unicorns and rainbows, bows and scrunchies. The displays are even short in stature so the target market can see everything and only the cashier can see you rolling your eyes. Then there are the offers: Buy three get three free. So if you find three things to buy, you have to go around the store again to pick out three more things for free.

It was hard enough the first time.

However, this one trip to Claire’s is the highlight for my kid during an otherwise grim day of following mommy and the teen niece around who are looking at clothes in boring stores the rest of the time.

We were hungry, dehydrated, and one of us was feeling deflated by the price of glittery plastics… but behold, an email about PEOPLE freaking magazine.

I turned to my niece to tell her.

“Cool.” Not an exclamation point in sight. Teens. Hard to impress these days. Then again, she showed me the ripped jeans she bought and I had pretty much the same reaction as her. Cool.

I tortured myself in various change rooms around the mall with the People magazine logo in a thought bubble hovering over my head. I was at the mall wanting to buy a good funeral dress. Had occasion to need one recently (occasion?!?!) and thought I should really have a decent black dress for these things. I wore my darkest sundress but really, I should have these things. Back in the advertising agency I dressed for a funeral everyday.

Take from that what you will.

After a few failed frocks, we headed home in a torrential downpour. As I drove white knuckled at the wheel I’m thinking… People magazine… I’m also thinking I’ll have to pull over before I land us all in the ditch.

Life. A mixed bag at all times.

We made it home and my pretty in pink girl gave daddy a tour of all the things we bought that day while I hid the tags and receipts. Not because we spent so much, but because of the quality-price ratio of the items we purchased. Also because we spent so much.

The husband lives in a world of coffee shop takeout. He has no sense of the inflationary effects of the Covid age. So the pack of swirly straws we bought with the plastic decor that you snap on and snap off to mix and match different styles… yeah I don’t want him to see see how much that costs now that freight is frightful.

But PEOPLE magazine. At the same time as I’m pulling price tags off things I don’t want him to see and I know she won’t be remotely interested in a year from now, I’m in PEOPLE magazine.

She swirled around in her sweater with the the pink bows on it and showed how the pink hairband bow matched perfectly. I thought, Please let this not happen to my sweet little girl:

During all this time I didn’t even think to tell the husband about the article because I was so busy hiding price tags. An hour later he Liked the article on Facebook so I guess he knows.

All those times standing in line at the grocery store with my eyes lingering over the People magazine. Who would have thought I would ever be in it, and especially on a random regular day like today.

Read that article and click all the links that take you to all the places. And especially buy the books.

Cool? Cool.

Janice MacLeod

Janice MacLeod is a course creator who helps people write books and create online businesses out of their art. She is a New York Times best seller, and her book Paris Letters, is a memoir about how she became an artist in Paris selling illustrated letters. She has a vibrant Etsy shop and was one of the pioneering entrepreneurs featured on Etsy's Quit Your Day Job newsletter. She has been featured in Business Insider, Forbes, Canadian Living, Psychologies Today, Elle, Huff Post, and CBC.

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