Paris Letters for March, April, May, June and July

My ability to list and share my Paris Letters has corresponded directly to the date daycare was closed due to Covid. Note to self: Toddlers are not good office assistants. These are all in the shop now... finally. Also, scroll down for an even bigger reveal...

March 2020: Stamp Man

This letter is about a charming moment I had with my stamp man in Paris... the guy who I turn to for pretty old stamps. I'm still not sure he likes me, but he puts up with me.

April 2020: The Flower Shop

My flower lady is a master bouquet maker. Watching her whip up a bunch of flowers is dizzying and magnificent.

May 2020: Sundials of Paris

Did you know Paris has more sundials than any other city in the world? Many are hidden by overgrown vines or shadowed by newer buildings, but they are there. This letter is about the glorious scavenger hunt of searching for sundials.

June 2020: Train Stations

Trains come, trains go. Friendships come, friendships go. This letter is about the tricky art of traveling with a friend and how it can be the catalyst for ending a relationship.

July 2020: Writer's Cafés

Paris is not only the ultimate city for writers, it is also the ultimate city for avoiding writing. This letter reveals why.If you would like any of these letters personalized to you and sent in the mail, head over to my shop. They also make nice gifts.Thunderous applauseHappy dance

Janice MacLeod

Janice MacLeod is a course creator who helps people write books and create online businesses out of their art. She is a New York Times best seller, and her book Paris Letters, is a memoir about how she became an artist in Paris selling illustrated letters. She has a vibrant Etsy shop and was one of the pioneering entrepreneurs featured on Etsy's Quit Your Day Job newsletter. She has been featured in Business Insider, Forbes, Canadian Living, Psychologies Today, Elle, Huff Post, and CBC.

The Dear Paris book cover (plus the rejected options)


Paris sketches and mood boards