Paris Roaming: The art of getting lost

I've been roaming around Paris on a mission to find me a new watercolor set. I knew of an art supply store near Bastille, but only knew it "by sight." This means you land at the top of the Métro station, you look around and feel your way down alleyways and through memory banks to remember where the heck that art supply store was that you stumbled upon not so long ago.

So you know, there was a lot of walking and distractions.

Alain Ducasse chocolate shop.

Chocolat wrappers from said shop.

Boulanger sign.


Bradley Cooper… simplement irresistible… pure captivatio.

First distraction: The chocolate shop of Alain Ducasse...I ended up buying two beautifully wrapped chocolate bars. I'm a sucker for design.

Second distraction: I came upon a boulangerie with a crowd and got in line. Travel Tip: In Paris, you always want to buy sandwiches from a boulangerie with a long line. Trust the locals.

I sat in the park, ate my sandwich and, well, the longer I sat... the less chocolate to bring home for Christophe. So sad.

I swept the crumbs off my lap and was reinvigorated by my sugar rush to search of the art supply store. After plenty of twists and turns, I found it. I scored a new set of paints that will be used on Paris Letters of the future over at my Etsy shop.

Once I procured my paints and most of the chocolate was gone, I was DONE. WALKING. As I walked to around the labyrinth that is the Bastille Métro station, I realized a little too late that I was on the wrong platform on the wrong line. The train was coming. I shrugged and hopped on. I made it home in the end, albeit somewhat circuitously, but at least the journey gave my feet a rest.

I've always been so stressed about being lost in Paris, about getting on the wrong train, but today both things happened and I ended up with chocolate and watercolors. It made me feel brave.

I highly recommend not worrying so much about getting lost. Who knows where it will lead.

Janice MacLeod

Janice MacLeod is a course creator who helps people write books and create online businesses out of their art. She is a New York Times best seller, and her book Paris Letters, is a memoir about how she became an artist in Paris selling illustrated letters. She has a vibrant Etsy shop and was one of the pioneering entrepreneurs featured on Etsy's Quit Your Day Job newsletter. She has been featured in Business Insider, Forbes, Canadian Living, Psychologies Today, Elle, Huff Post, and CBC.

Anatomy of the Midnight in Paris Letter


Paris Photos: Pont St-Louis and the violin player