Paris Artist: January

I'm a bit of a magpie with my Paris art. A few watercolors, a slew of photos, a mishmash of phrases, a handful of quotes. Beautiful clutter. Nice to look at but still has the anxiousness that accompanies clutter.

Something must be done.

I found a gorgeous Lett's 2016 diary at the bookstore inside Le Bon Marché department store in Paris (24 Rue de Sèvres). Inspired, I began sorting and making collages of my collection.

So fun!

We forget to add fun items on our New Year's resolution lists.

Shame on nous.

A few of the January pages...Paris Artist in January, Janice MacLeodIn other news, my Etsy shop was a complete mess, so I cleaned it up. Remember that 2015 goal I had of getting to 500 items? Turns out, more is not better... and honestly, most people want fun mail so I'm just going to stick with letters in 2016.Paris Artist in January, Janice MacLeodPlus it's winter and I'm writing le sequel to Paris Letters, and having another Research & Development year isn't going to get the next book written. I'll offer the last of the coloring books until they are gone. Then that's that. I feel like we've arrived at the winter of that project anyway.I just finished reading Paris Keys by Juliet Blackwell. She has gorgeous little gems sprinkled throughout, like this quote about the gargoyles of Notre Dame:Paris Artist in January, Janice MacLeodMaking the visual diary of Paris has already taught me so much about how my brain works.Paris Artist in January, Janice MacLeodWhen I'm writing le sequel, and I get stuck, I move over to the glue, tape, paint and photos. As I'm literally piecing a collage together, I am piecing together the ideas for the book in my head. How odd and enlightening.Paris Artist in January, Janice MacLeodPerhaps the right side of my brain works best when bouncing against the left side, and vice versa, or side by each as they say in the east.Paris Artist in January, Janice MacLeodI can just imagine the day of the lady in red. She walked over to the café to have her morning brew and read some of her book about the letters of Vincent van Gogh, then hopped on the Métro to meet a friend for lemon gelato. Or maybe that was me.Paris Artist in January, Janice MacLeodI brought home some of the famous Angelina's hot chocolate in a jar to indulge in on a day when I really needed it. The seal must have popped somewhere along the way because it was rancid and dégueulasse when I opened it. Tragique.Alright. Enough fooling around. Back to the manuscript. Or perhaps first just a few minutes on Pinterest. No! Focus. FOCUS!Or maybe just one more collage...

Janice MacLeod

Janice MacLeod is a course creator who helps people write books and create online businesses out of their art. She is a New York Times best seller, and her book Paris Letters, is a memoir about how she became an artist in Paris selling illustrated letters. She has a vibrant Etsy shop and was one of the pioneering entrepreneurs featured on Etsy's Quit Your Day Job newsletter. She has been featured in Business Insider, Forbes, Canadian Living, Psychologies Today, Elle, Huff Post, and CBC.

Swimming in Paris


The addiction to keeping score