Métro Signs of Paris

If the beginning of September is all about going back to school, the end of September is about putting away summer. I've swept out the last of the beach sand, the pool toys are now spider hotels in the garage, and I spent all week CANNING. I know. Who is this stock piling freak before you and what has she done with Janice "the one suitcase" nomad? Well, I blame a love of canned tomatoes and a gift for growing them. I'm not going to show you photos. It seems all we do these days is Grow the Thing, then Share the Thing on Social Media. I can tell you one thing. I'm glad tomato season is over. I popped the final lid on the jar, ripped out the last of the greens, and put the garden to bed for the season. Everyone is getting salsa in their stocking.All that red tomato action in my kitchen got me thinking about Paris and Métro signs, those exquisite rouge beacons that seem to say "Come here and let me take you. Your feet seem tired." Feet always seem tired in Paris. I haven't gone a day in Paris when I didn't marvel at how feet can be so tired and sore at the end of a day, then be completely healed and ready to spring into action the next day. Feet are miracles. And after my canning episode, my feet felt like they had traipsed clear across Paris instead of the reality of pivoting back and forth between counter and stove.There are over 300 Métro stations in Paris so wherever you are, chances are, you're near a station. After a quick scan of my photo library, I came across just a few signs. There are oh so many.Typique.Same but different shades of green. Why? Qui sait.This was taken from inside a bus. I was more excited about the Pret a Manger in the background. The chocolate mousse is sublime.Straight and skinny.Voluptuous at night.A feast of taupes by day.I love the swirls so much on this one that I sketched it out with my new fountain pen.And then added THAT to the September Paris Letter, now in the shop. This letter is about a nice moment on the Métro, parenting in Paris, and how the whole city seems to bow before you when you've got a kid along. People that once brazenly stepped in front of you in line must now insist that you go ahead in line. It's the Paris you only wished for in your wildest dreams.Order this and all the others at the shop.

Janice MacLeod

Janice MacLeod is a course creator who helps people write books and create online businesses out of their art. She is a New York Times best seller, and her book Paris Letters, is a memoir about how she became an artist in Paris selling illustrated letters. She has a vibrant Etsy shop and was one of the pioneering entrepreneurs featured on Etsy's Quit Your Day Job newsletter. She has been featured in Business Insider, Forbes, Canadian Living, Psychologies Today, Elle, Huff Post, and CBC.


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The next book you have to write