Maille: A trip to the mustard store

So I'm sitting with friends at a restaurant that specialized in fries and dips. Somewhere between dipping a thick cut fry in the mayonnaise and dipping the sweet potato fries into homemade ketchup, one of the girls mentions that there is a mustard store in Paris. Just mustard. That's it.


I had to visit a whole store dedicated to the yellow condiment that made hotdogs famous and put Dijon on the map. I zipped over to 6 Place de la Madeleine to the flagship Maille store.The Maille website describes the store as:

"In the warm, refined atmosphere of Maille boutiques, you will enter a paradise of flavours, embarking on a voyage to the heart of good taste and gastronomy."

Sure. A paradise of flavours sounds like an excellent idea. They had many types of mustard to sample. They range from mustards that make my nose hairs curl to mustards that make my nose hairs singe. Once you pick out your mustard, they fill a jar "on tap."

When your jar is empty, you bring it back for a refill. I went for the special edition truffle-infused mustard that came with the special edition dark jar. Fancy.

 And now, I'm going to go make me a sandwich.

Janice MacLeod

Janice MacLeod is a course creator who helps people write books and create online businesses out of their art. She is a New York Times best seller, and her book Paris Letters, is a memoir about how she became an artist in Paris selling illustrated letters. She has a vibrant Etsy shop and was one of the pioneering entrepreneurs featured on Etsy's Quit Your Day Job newsletter. She has been featured in Business Insider, Forbes, Canadian Living, Psychologies Today, Elle, Huff Post, and CBC.

Paris Photography: Gare de Lyon


Writing Life: Elizabeth Gilbert, a book launch and me