How to keep New Year's resolutions three weeks in

Now is about the time we forget our resolutions for the year... not that we remember exactly what our resolutions were that we were so keen on.

Hint: It probably had something to do with health and/or wealth.

Those two juggernauts.

A juggernaut is a literal or metaphorical force regarded as merciless, destructive, and unstoppable.

Ain't that the truth.

Now is when we think "Oh yeah, resolutions... pft... it was a trend back in... what... three weeks ago?"

Those old days, three weeks ago when we were so SURE that this year it would all work out. Just need a bit of grit, clarity, and resolution magic to get a jumpstart on health and wealth. I'm definitely one of those "Do ya have a resolution yet? Do ya? Do ya? Do ya?!?!?!?" (hanging head in embarrassed self-awareness)

Beginning in January, I took stock of the previous year.

I did a big clear and reshuffling of my journals from the year. I was meditating and reactivating my glow.... raising the ol' frequency.

In this process, I found that my real resolution for last year was about fixing broken things. Not just my body from all the surgeries and diseases... I'm fine now, thanks. And glowing!

But I started fixing all the other crap that was broken... the car brakes, the clock, the sluggish internet, the old computer. All the junk that dragged me down like an albatross.

I wasn't creating as many courses, books, blogs, ANYTHING... because the computer was acting like it was in a Commodore 64. (Though healing from surgery didn't help either, especially the brain fog... what was I saying again?)

Once that list of broken things was fixed, it coincided with my trip to the doctor who gave me permission to go forth full steam ahead in all activities. Healed body... YES... healed car... YES... healed computer and Internet... YES and YES.

I had been hesitant to bounce or stretch or lift or move for fear of unraveling his surgical handiwork but now I was free to YOGA my way through the day.

I warrior posed my way to the grocery store and came upon SEED PACKETS.

It's January, people, in Canada, and there are SEED PACKETS for sale at the grocery store.

Those seed packets are the same as our New Year's resolutions.

They are a handful of hope.

They are little envelopes of determination. And that's the same thing we feel on January 1st.

Turns out, I had spent last year fixing all the things, and that set me up nicely to hunker down and create the burning desire projects. So go get yourself some seed packets to remind yourself of why you are going to to THE THING this year. It is HAPPENING.

Janice MacLeod

Janice MacLeod is a course creator who helps people write books and create online businesses out of their art. She is a New York Times best seller, and her book Paris Letters, is a memoir about how she became an artist in Paris selling illustrated letters. She has a vibrant Etsy shop and was one of the pioneering entrepreneurs featured on Etsy's Quit Your Day Job newsletter. She has been featured in Business Insider, Forbes, Canadian Living, Psychologies Today, Elle, Huff Post, and CBC.

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