Paris in Blue, Red and Brown

In one pivot over by the Seine I spotted a great little colour combination.It was quiet and still... remarkable for all the buzz one usually finds along the Seine.Imagine being a bookseller along the quay and having this view. Incroyable.The lamps seem almost regal in Paris.A five minute jaunt toward the sixth led to Le Comptoir du Commerce, a busy little place even on the chilliest of days... and a willing participant for my artist date.

Janice MacLeod

Janice MacLeod is a course creator who helps people write books and create online businesses out of their art. She is a New York Times best seller, and her book Paris Letters, is a memoir about how she became an artist in Paris selling illustrated letters. She has a vibrant Etsy shop and was one of the pioneering entrepreneurs featured on Etsy's Quit Your Day Job newsletter. She has been featured in Business Insider, Forbes, Canadian Living, Psychologies Today, Elle, Huff Post, and CBC.

Original Art: A love affair with collage and Paris


Macaron note cards and sweet obsessions