Old books and old friends

The luck of living in a place where libraries sell off treasures like this!

Sure it might look junky to someone. Downright messy. But to me, it is glorious. The local library had a giant book sale. I showed up to lurk about and was handsomely rewarded. Look at all those dates in the book. All those readers. All that stamping!

And to think, this could have ended up on the pyre.

I'm not sure where the rejected books go after the book sale. I would like to think they just travel from town to town looking for their forever homes.

I love this book.. It's a collection of stories about James Bond... and I happen to be married to a very James Bond-like character.

I even show our daughter photos of Daniel Craig and she says DADDY... Christophe is NOT amused. I find it endlessly amusing. I've been with Christophe for ten years. He hasn't ever really found it that amusing. In fact, he looks even more like Daniel Craig when he is sporting a scowl.

Christophe Daniel Craig Look Alike

Anyway, the book sale. It was a hit. I picked up a gardening book that had all those sexy illustrations of VEGETABLES. And...Just sitting around a book sale looking pretty, waiting for me to arrive and take it home.

vintage botanical illustration


Speaking of old things, Bruce came by. Bruce is a colleague from another life. We talked about our road trips, about mutual friends, and especially about old things. I complained about the lack of CD players in cars. He complained about lack of colours in car. Then I went on about the lovely hues of old typewriters. And he went on about the lovely hues of old cars.

typewriter letters

As I've previously mentioned, my dining table now looks like swanky office digs, which is ironic as I'm the poster child for leaving corporate life all dramatic-like to write these:

I'm writing on a computer keyboard right now and it has none of the haunting romance of writing on a typewriter. It also doesn't have the typos. Or charm.

typewriter letters

A few glimpses of the latest letters:

typewriter letter

Did you read that ad from the local paper? People around here are so kind. A sharp contrast to all that city living of yore

.Another great ad:

typewriter letters

Senior Gent! Nice. This ad made me laugh because he could also be describing wanting a dog. But it made me happy to read and I hope it works out for John.

The letters are coming along nicely. A few nice words:

"Absolutely charming and fun! Like a letter from a wonderful best friend! :-) I'm signing up for more...I can't imagine a better way to be uplifted during a long winter!" - JoRene B.

That excellent, because I can't imagine a better activity this winter than writing the letters. Also...

"Happiness delivered to my mailbox, Janice MacLeod style." - Monica B.

My friend Harley wrote me (an actual typewritten letter) and said "letters always make a mark on someone's day. How could they not?... Even if the other end is a dark hole where letters go to die... letters fill crevices in lives."

Janice MacLeod

Janice MacLeod is a course creator who helps people write books and create online businesses out of their art. She is a New York Times best seller, and her book Paris Letters, is a memoir about how she became an artist in Paris selling illustrated letters. She has a vibrant Etsy shop and was one of the pioneering entrepreneurs featured on Etsy's Quit Your Day Job newsletter. She has been featured in Business Insider, Forbes, Canadian Living, Psychologies Today, Elle, Huff Post, and CBC.


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