Notre Dame: So many photos
It's happened too often. Christophe arrives home. I say, "Did you hear about... Paris?" He looks at me and almost visibly withers. "What now?"I tell him."Gone?""Don't know. Still on fire."And since then we've been TV zombies. A quick scan of my photos shows countless images of Notre Dame I've taken over the years. Seems every time I walk by or stop in, another photo gets added to the collection. She's just so gosh darn pretty. I also really like the photos when she's peering over in the background, like a benevolent mumsie. Here's just a few photos of our pretty lady.Hey, y'all. Come on in.
Oh just another regular day of looking fabbie.
I wonder if the trees are still there or did the heat get to them. They frame Notre Dame so very nicely.
You can't help but take photos from every angle. This is from a boat ride on the Seine.
My Uncle Brad and I when he came to Paris.
This is one of my favourite photos. My Aunt Mary and Uncle Brad look like true aristocrats zipping around town. Fancy.
St. Denis holding his head in disbelief.
Emmanuel the belle bell.
Even the graffiti is pretty.
The nieces surveying the scene.
After all those photos of blooming trees, I had to make a Paris Letter, obviously. It ended up in my book PARIS LETTERS a few years later. It's had a renaissance over in the shop since the fire. Everyone wants a piece of prettier days. The May letter is going out early since the event. You can't write Paris Letters and NOT include the events this week.
Photos of the interior break my heart, too. Many broken things.
That St. Denis is everywhere.
I've always liked this statue. A serene moment.
These statues flew away last week for safekeeping during the renovations. All isn't lost.
This photo of the bookstalls by the Seine makes me smile. Notre Dame in the background surveying the goings on about Paris.
There she is, pretty as a (thousand) pictures.
I painted this up and popped it in the shop. I also popped this original in the shop:
She's featured in book PARIS LETTERS and A PARIS YEAR. It's time she heads off to a nice home to add a little serene maternal nurturing.
More goodies at the shop.