Mary Oliver’s Wild Geese poem as a collage
The birds are back. When I first moved to this cottage, I noticed the sound of birds. In Paris, you don’t hear birds. Maybe the squawk of the odd pigeon but even they are a quiet bunch.
I took this photo on my second day in Paris. Little did I know it was the SAME DAY I would spot the lovely Christophe. That was a good day.
The birds are back: The geese are squawking, the robins are nesting, and the human snowbirds from Florida are back… for one reason or another. Aghrm.
All this birdsong got me thinking of Mary Oliver’s poem Wild Geese. I came across it 100 years ago. I thought it would be nice to make a collage of it.
Check out the video on Instagram
Also pah-lease follow me there if you haven’t yet… it’s where I do most of my video-ing. In the video, Mary Oliver is narrating, which is nice to hear now that she’s gone.
If you’d rather not have a live action video, or want to look at the pages in detail… voila:
How nice is that poem?
In other news, the March Cottage Letter is about the birds coming back and the art of giving yourself permission to have a little fun, which I suppose is where this poem collage came from. Just trying to have a little fun.
If you want the March letter, subscribe at the shop. In a few days, we move on to the April letter and March is gone forever. Ho hum. The March letter includes a bird postcard:
PS Thanks for all the kind words about the previous blog post about the election. WOWZA so many people had nice things to say. Love!