Video: Living the elegant life

Sometimes I think there is NOTHING out there, no BEYOND, no hope. No nothing. The world is just cruel and then it's over. And then... things happen that make me curious and dance in the delight of the divine.

It's a mixed bag.

Erin from The Elegant Life came across me in a group Zoom call with business coach Leonie Dawson. She recognized me and contacted me for a YouTube interview aaaaand...

Turns out we lived on the same street in Calgary.

We went to the same pizza place, the same coffee shop... probably walked by each other with a friendly smile because... Calgarians. Sheesh, a lot of smiling. Now we are both far away from Calgary and living on different points on the globe, meeting and yapping about living the elegant life via the information superhighway that is the world wide web.


We chatted about applying feminine energy to our creative jobs.

What is feminine energy?

Slow, flow, intuitive, in tune with your body, open to receive messages, nourishing yourself and others, soft and playful, remaining open to hear bits and pieces of life to pull in and swirl around your mind. It is not about being rigid. Not about push, push, push. Not the 9-5. Which kind of explains my loud exodus from corporate life. We talked about writing books using feminine energy, but of course we talked about so much more.

Top 14 topics we covered:

  1. When to quit your job and live off your creative projects.

  2. Why fear of poverty isn't such a bad thing.

  3. How to start writing a book.

  4. How to create from a flow state, especially under deadlines.

  5. The glorious emotion of relief and why it is important for creative projects.

  6. Why most women's books are written at the kitchen counter.

  7. How to land your dream agent and publisher.

  8. When to traditionally-publish and when to self-publish.

  9. Living with imposter syndrome.

  10. How to thrive with a faith-based finance model.

  11. What is next on my agenda.

  12. How to get noticed on Etsy.

  13. The single best thing you can do to start living a creative life.

  14. The best part of my job.

Spoiler alert: The best part of my job is to have an idea, have time to follow through on that idea, complete it and put it out there... and blog along the way. FUN!

Check out the video.

It's a whopping 48 minutes long so start it, lace up, and listen to it on a walk. Bring an index card and a pen. You'll find out why.

For more on book writing, check out my online writing courses.


PS, Spiritual Retreat from Home could be helpful to you or someone you know who craves a quiet fortress of solitude to work on your stuff... manifesting, healing, and conversations with spirit guides. It's all in here and it's available on Amazon.

Janice MacLeod

Janice MacLeod is a course creator who helps people write books and create online businesses out of their art. She is a New York Times best seller, and her book Paris Letters, is a memoir about how she became an artist in Paris selling illustrated letters. She has a vibrant Etsy shop and was one of the pioneering entrepreneurs featured on Etsy's Quit Your Day Job newsletter. She has been featured in Business Insider, Forbes, Canadian Living, Psychologies Today, Elle, Huff Post, and CBC.

Lyme Disease and Breast Cancer Reconstruction.


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