How to create online courses

There is always that moment in an artist's life when she thinks one of two things:"Should I make a podcast out of this?"OR..."Should I make an online course out of this?"There was a time I wanted to do a podcast, then I recorded the audiobook for Dear Paris and decided "NO FRIGGIN WAY." I tripped over every third word. Not my strength. However, I have found a certain glee and aptitude with creating online writing courses. If you think you might want to tackle creating a course yourself, here are three tools I recommend to begin the process.

TOOL #1:Organizing Content

Turn your mess of pages into something glorious... like money.

Organizing Content is great for getting your head around all your ideas. You'll learn how to quickly sift through your material, organize it, and FINISH a project. And it is hosted by me so it will be like having a friendly bossy pants on your side.

TOOL 2: Leonie Dawson's course on making an ecourse.

She knows all the things.

Her course explains ALL DIFFERENT WAYS to build an ecourse. There are tech and marketing questions that come up when you build a course online and she is NEVER stumped. Plus, with all her live calls (recorded so you can watch later), you learn from what she teaches others who are already creating ecourses.If my Organizing Content course helps you WRITE the thing, her course helps you MAKE IT GO so you can start selling and making money fast. If it weren't for Leonie's courses, I would still be futzing around researching the best way to sell my courses.

She saved me so much time. I've taken it found it useful, lucrative, and amusing. AND, I made all my money back.

TOOL 3: The learning platform Squarespace

I use SquareSpace to host my online courses because it is beautiful, easy… and did I mention it was beautiful?

It also has gorgeous templates so you can quickly get courses up and running fast and start making cash. You get a FREE TRIAL so you can try it first. Get the trial so you can see if you like how it works.

Again, the three tools for creating your own online course:

  1. Organizing Content online course to create your lessons

  2. Leonie's course on making online courses actually work online

  3. Squarespace learning platform because it's easy and elegant

FULL DISCLOSURE: Some of these are affiliate links, which means I may receive a commission at no extra cost to you. I would recommend them even if they weren't. If you're so inclined to buy these courses, use the links in this message. I'll probably use the proceeds to buy YOUR courses... or a new (old) typewriter. Gosh, this really is a full disclosure.

Janice MacLeod

Janice MacLeod is a course creator who helps people write books and create online businesses out of their art. She is a New York Times best seller, and her book Paris Letters, is a memoir about how she became an artist in Paris selling illustrated letters. She has a vibrant Etsy shop and was one of the pioneering entrepreneurs featured on Etsy's Quit Your Day Job newsletter. She has been featured in Business Insider, Forbes, Canadian Living, Psychologies Today, Elle, Huff Post, and CBC.

Behind the scenes of creating an online course


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