December Birthday Babies: Why we are so annoying yet amazing

Yes, I was born soon after Santa parked the sleigh in the barn. Yes, I'm one of those who remind you that, though you've purchased all the Christmas gifts, you're not done yet. I'm the one who will remind you, to insist, will offend easily. I am a December Birthday Baby.Sorry. Not sorry.December birthday babies have rules, so many rules:

  1. Don't forget the birthday... that's the biggest one. Don't worry, I'll remind you.
  2. Don't wrap gifts in Christmas wrapping paper.
  3. No combos unless expressly suggested by the birthday baby if she wants something HUGE.
  4. No leftover pie from Christmas as a stand-in for a birthday cake.
  5. Did I mention to not forget the birthday?

There are perks to being born around the winter solstice. If born after Christmas, you never had to go to school on your birthday, or even get out of your pajamas/pyjamas. And for me, I have managed to never work, not once, on my birthday... mostly to keep the pajama/pyjamas tradition alive.This year, in a fresh lockdown, the birthday changed very little. The party has been postponed. Somewhere someone has a freshly baked cake sitting in the freezer awaiting COVID numbers to go down."Ice palace for one! Ice palace for one!"We celebrated another year of moi by watching travel shows about Italy and France. For many birthdays I was IN these countries, so a TV version is less than ideal, however... pajamas. So it worked.As the title of this post suggests, December birthday babies... and we really CAN be babies about it... are also amazing. This article gives 6 totally scientific reasons December babies rock... Two of which is that we are more likely to live to 100 and we become "strivers," having to keep up with the older kids in our class. But I think we are strivers because the end of the year evaluation mixes with New Year's resolutions energy and is topped with a thick icing of birthday self-reflection.All this means, we're driven when it comes to achieving New Year's resolutions, as you can plainly see by my entire book ABOUT it, which is about how I had a resolution to write in my journal every day and it landed me in Paris:The next book is travel journal that starts in January and ends in December...Aaaaaannnnnd the new book also starts in January and ends in December, but has 10 years of Paris Letters in between...Even more, I created a writing course that started in January and ended in December, but you can start it any time you'd like... like now, for instance.I'm super psyched about this writing course simply because it forced me to be reflective and poetic about each week of the year. I don't think all that daily writing will land me in Paris THIS year, but if there was any year for a reset, this is the year.Join the course if you'd like to adopt or be more consistent with your writing practice. Who knows, it might land you in Paris. Be warned... something like this might also happen:Clearly in her birthday suit.Sending you oodles of good vibes this season, aka, our birthday season... the presents neeeeverrrrrr endddddd. PS. References of goodness... COURSES

  1. A Writing Year: An inspiring writing lesson each week for a year.
  2. Book Writing: Learn how to write that book that is burning in your soul.
  3. Organizing Content: Learn how to organize your journal entries and create a finished product.


  1. Love notes sign up. I'll send love notes, news and freebies to your inbox. Think of it as a warm cup of tea on a rainy day.
Janice MacLeod

Janice MacLeod is a course creator who helps people write books and create online businesses out of their art. She is a New York Times best seller, and her book Paris Letters, is a memoir about how she became an artist in Paris selling illustrated letters. She has a vibrant Etsy shop and was one of the pioneering entrepreneurs featured on Etsy's Quit Your Day Job newsletter. She has been featured in Business Insider, Forbes, Canadian Living, Psychologies Today, Elle, Huff Post, and CBC.

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