Cottage Letter for February: An ode to gals and pals

Cottage Letter for February, mail club subscription from Janice MacLeod

This month’s Cottage Letter includes a blank notecard and envelope along with a three page letter. Fun!

Maybe I’m late to the Galentine’s Day valentine concept… celebrating friendship love. It seemed to be a hot topic all over the place this year. Was it around all this time? Have I just not noticed? I asked Google:

“The holiday can trace its origins to a 2010 episode of "Parks and Rec," in which the main character, Leslie Knope, decides that the day before Valentine's Day should be an opportunity to celebrate the platonic love among women, ideally with booze and breakfast food.”

Yep, definitely out of the loop on this one. A friend of mine recently lost his wife of 50 years. First Valentine’s Day without her, so I would like to add Palentine’s Day to the list of Valentine’s and Galentine’s. I thought of my pal a lot on Valentine’s Day. Interestingly, the Cottage Letter this month is also about the love between friends rather than romantic love.

Less expectation. More celebration.

Over here at the household we celebrated the day as a family. A Familentine’s Day, if you will. Famlentines? My daughter and I made a heart shaped cake for daddy and he showed up at home with a bouquet of flowers for each of us.

valentines cake

Nailed it.

I had a lot to celebrate this year. Mostly in the form of people I have never officially met.

Since launching my new letter series COTTAGE LETTERS, I have had a whole alumni of PARIS LETTER subscribers show up.

What a treat! It felt like a reunion. Some people had subscribed to my Paris Letters for years. Then my little monthly friendlies ended when the project ended and Dear Paris, the anthology of the letters, came out. The anthology was, of course, a celebration and it was nice to be published with Simon & Schuster, but it did signal the end of an era, which would have been sad if I hadn’t ALSO had so many other things going on.

I call them “All the alsos…”

Also Covid hit, so I was locked in with needy roommate (aged 4) at the time.

Also, health-wise I had a lot going on. (I was finally discharged from the oncologist this month… after SEVEN years.)

Also I left Paris so figured I should come up with something else.

Also also also. All the alsos.

I didn’t realize that I had pushed a lot of bereft feelings down whilst all the ALSOs were going on. When people showed up again to subscribe… gosh it was like valentine after valentine after valentine.

It made me emotional. Misty eyed with glee over the sight of familiar names.

So thanks everyone. You sure know how to make a girl feel loved. Galentines and Palentines all over the place.

This month’s letter includes a blank notecard to write a message to anyone who could use a little extra love.

February Cottage Letter Subscription Mail Club

To subscribe to the Cottage Letters, head on over to Etsy.

Happy (paper) Valentine’s to you.


Janice MacLeod

Janice MacLeod is a course creator who helps people write books and create online businesses out of their art. She is a New York Times best seller, and her book Paris Letters, is a memoir about how she became an artist in Paris selling illustrated letters. She has a vibrant Etsy shop and was one of the pioneering entrepreneurs featured on Etsy's Quit Your Day Job newsletter. She has been featured in Business Insider, Forbes, Canadian Living, Psychologies Today, Elle, Huff Post, and CBC.

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