Copycats, my underwear drawer and digital printables
Copycats: There was a time when there wasn't even a category for "Letter Subscriptions" on Etsy. Now there are a slew of people selling illustrated letters about their travels, gardens, book reading, and home life. And every one of them has blatantly copied from my Etsy shop. Incredible. Sometimes I get miffed, but then I see that soon, most of their letter subscriptions die a quiet death. And then I get to feel gladness, even smugness, at their demise.There are a few people that even call their product a letters when it's really a sketch and not a letter at all. It's just sent in an envelope, which I suppose justifies calling it a letter. I stay silent. I roll my eyes. And then I grin at the SEO boost I get over at Paris Letters Press whenever they blog about their "Paris Letters". Bwah-ha-ha! Cha-ching.
Underwear drawer: I've been cleaning out my underwear drawer... again, which, for any seasoned reader of my work, knows this means a big move is coming. Come along with the next adventure... I'm sure the copycats will be following.While I've been cleaning out, wiping up, picking up, and not blogging, I've been continuing with the Paris Letters. Here's the rundown of the last four months:
All now in the shop. And in anticipation of being on the road and offline, I created another digital shop for your printable pleasure (take note copycats). So you can print out all your Paris Letter stationery as often as you like for a mere fiver (or so, depending on conversion rates). It's great fun to print out cute stationery at will. A wee example of the art you can print out on your own printer, thereby saving yourself time and a stamp...
I'm adding to it all the time. Joy of joys to create and curate Etsy shops. It's odd but strangely satisfying. Try it. You'll see.