British Columbia: A working vacation

You know how you describe people to others in a way that you would never do it to their face?

You're not being mean, you're just being... accurate. For instance, I've described people to others like this:

  • "Michelle, if she were a bird she'd be a canary."

  • "Alisha. She wears beige and has a quiet grace about her. Or maybe she's just tired all the time. Something heavy about her eyelids."

  • "Doug... Hot sauce on everything. Web guy."

  • "Joe... show hair."

  • "Adam... he's... a... slow... talker... but he's not mentally ill.... just... a... pauser."

Everyone nods. "Yup. I know who you're talking about."

If you had described me two years ago, you may have said, "Janice... wears dresses all the time and always complains about not having enough vacation days."

I was so known as being the person in the office that complained about the meager vacation policy that people came to me for advice on how to plan their own vacations:

  • How can they accrue more days faster (you can't).

  • How can they negotiate for more time off and less money (It had never been done at this particular office).

  • How can they get to Europe and use as few vacation days as possible (Leave on a Friday night after work but before a long weekend, be in Europe for the week, return on the following Sunday night and be jetlagged at work = 9 days away for the price of 4). 

  • How can I get a vacation tagged onto the long American Thanksgiving weekend? Ask for the time off by April since you'll be denied if someone beat you to it.

  • How can how can how can how can...

You see, not everyone could be gone from the office at the same time. My old boss had hung a giant calendar on the wall outside my office and would mark down all the approved vacation time. Then she would cart my nervous colleagues over to said calendar who were still clutching their Vacation Request Form. She'd point, "See here, there are already two art directors out that week. We need you here."

Dejected, they'd slink away Charlie Brown-style, cancel the plane tickets they already bought, take a few TUMS and come over to my office to process what just happened.

I had a door, tissues, a hatred for vacation policies, and a counseling degree so they knew they had a safe space to talk. They'd vent. I'd nod in agreement. I'd tell them where they went wrong and how they can improve their tactic for next time.

I was a Vacation Request Coach.

The vacation policy was BY FAR the biggest reason I quit my job.

With only two weeks vacation per year, with one of those weeks going toward family out-of-town events like weddings or Christmas, I was left with one week per year to recoup and see a slice of the world. It just wasn't enough time for health or happiness.

But now, my life in Paris is kinda vacationy all the time. Sure I'm writing and working on my shop, but there is a lot of free time for daydreaming and reading on park benches. So when Christophe had the month of August off and wanted to take vacation, I didn't think I actually needed one like I needed them in the past.

But that didn't stop me from taking one.

We took off for a mountain lake in British Columbia with friends. When I arrived, I dropped my bags in my room, gave the grounds a gander, then picked up my iPhone to check my email. No bars. It's gonna be one of those vacations.

Digital diet, here we come.

You may recall last August when I took a digital diet in Poland. It didn't go well.

But this time, I decided to keep busy with other things. Canoeing, hiking, fishing, lounging, chatting with friends... all those things you actually imagine doing on vacation. I don't know many people who dream about one day going to a cottage just to be able to get online.

But it sure is nice. Though I had angst when I couldn't update my blog or share photos, I was also free from the stream of thought that plagues my days. How can I sell more letters. How can I get into magazines. How can I pump up the paintings.  How can how can how can how can...When the questions stopped spinning in my head, the answers had room to appear.

It was a vacation that worked. Now, people will say, "Janice... wears dresses all the time and travels a lot. Lives in Paris. Paints."


Janice MacLeod

Janice MacLeod is a course creator who helps people write books and create online businesses out of their art. She is a New York Times best seller, and her book Paris Letters, is a memoir about how she became an artist in Paris selling illustrated letters. She has a vibrant Etsy shop and was one of the pioneering entrepreneurs featured on Etsy's Quit Your Day Job newsletter. She has been featured in Business Insider, Forbes, Canadian Living, Psychologies Today, Elle, Huff Post, and CBC.

Canada Tour


When it’s not perfect in Paris.