Paris Photography: Beige with a little blue

I'm on leaf watch here in Paris. So far I haven' seen much more than the usual beige, which makes me a little blue. See, I purchased a new camera in anticipation of (drum roll please...)


But so far, nary a tree has performed its annual costume change, but when it does, I'll be there with my new camera in hand. There is just one problem: I don't know how to use it.

There is nothing quite like a new camera to knock your confidence down a few notches. For the first week, I played with all the fancy buttons and wheels, snapping terrible shot after terrible shot. Frustrated, in the second week I resorted to the Auto feature. Here in the third week, I hesitantly post a few of my photos in this here post.

*stares down at shoelaces, kicks a few stones*

I'm still not convinced this new camera is better than my phone.

So many photos on this blog have been shot with my regular ol' phone. It was easy, compact, lightweight and always with me. It's true what they say about photography:

The best camera you have is the one you have with you.

And if there is something remotely wrong with your camera, you'll leave it at home. Here in the land of tourists, I see it all the time. Someone brings their fancy camera out on their first day on the town, but because it's too heavy or complicated or whatever, they leave it in the hotel room the next day and opt to take photos with their phones so they can easily Instagram and effectively polish up the reputation of their shiny social media self.The new camera sits silent and sullen in the hotel room watching the maid make the bed.

The path of the artist is littered with unused art supplies.

In my wake I have left reams of paper, pens, paints, stamps, cameras (!!!) and various paraphernalia. Some were too complicated, too goopy, too thick, thin, hard or soft. Some had too much teeth, others not enough.

This is starting to sound like my old love life.

But in time, I learned what I needed and what I didn't. If I had to leave all my art supplies behind today, I would happily walk away with my two small paint brushes and one palette knife.I'd likely take my new camera, too, but only because I still hold to the dream of one day being able to print photos in glorious large formats. Oh yeah baby, because one thing that is better than small is large... except when it comes to pants size and midnight street lurkers.

Are we still talking about your ex-boyfriends?

Who said that?

Anyway, with this new camera, I have the possibility of blowing up the photos REALLY BIG in all their glorious MEGAPIXEL wonderment. But for now I feel like just blowing up my photos with kerosene and a match.

Stay tuned...

Janice MacLeod

Janice MacLeod is a course creator who helps people write books and create online businesses out of their art. She is a New York Times best seller, and her book Paris Letters, is a memoir about how she became an artist in Paris selling illustrated letters. She has a vibrant Etsy shop and was one of the pioneering entrepreneurs featured on Etsy's Quit Your Day Job newsletter. She has been featured in Business Insider, Forbes, Canadian Living, Psychologies Today, Elle, Huff Post, and CBC.

Paris Photography: Hello Autumn


Rome: Before and After in the Eternal City