A tour of December 12ths past

 Back CameraIf you have siblings, you likely have their birthdays tattooed onto your brain. After all, in youth, the day on the calendar was circled and when that day came, the overall stock of toys in your household collection got a nice boost.

It got me thinking about December 12ths past.

And lucky for us, now that all our photos are organized on the computer, it's easy to discover where we were a year ago, a year before that, and so on. Par example...

Dec 12, 2013: Café at Jussieu Métro, Paris

I had just met up with a blogger friend for coffee and stopped to shoot a photo.2013Notice the cute lady in the window.

Dec 12, 2012: Department store window displays, Paris.

2012I strolled along the boulevard with the lovely Melanie. We got substandard hot chocolate afterward. Believe it or not, substandard hot chocolate exists in Paris.

Dec 12, 2011: Actual birthday with actual sisters, Canada.

2011Julie, Janice and Carla. Good gene pool.

Dec 12, 2010: Quitting day.

Back CameraThis was my office at the advertising agency. I took this photo a few days before Carla's birthday.2010 BAnd this photo I took the day after her birthday. Stunned, horrified and delighted.

Dec 12, 2009: Still life of a few friends at the office.

2009You'd be surprised at how long an orange can keep it's shape.

Dec 12, 2008: Still life of actual still life.

2008I went through a phase of painting old cars and vintage signs, but I changed the words on the vintage signs. Obviously I didn't take my advice since I eventually left that good place for a greater place.

Dec 12, 2007: Hanukkah with friends, Los Angeles.

2007My sweet neighbours invited me and my gentile self to Hanukkah . This photo is one of my favourites. This was the year the kid I babysat sprouted... he didn't even fit in the frame. 2014 marks the first year the chef's mom (in the white blouse) won't be with us. She sang like a bird. Also this is before the lady she is talking to became our beloved Moira Rose.

Dec 12, 2006: Eaton's Centre with Aine, Toronto.

2006We had no idea at this time I'd write a book about the letters we wrote to each other, and I'd end up dedicating the book to her. Wowza.This little exercise down memory lane was so interesting. If we look at one day over the course of years we can see where we were, how far we've come, and who we left behind.What do all your December 12ths look like?

Janice MacLeod

Janice MacLeod is a course creator who helps people write books and create online businesses out of their art. She is a New York Times best seller, and her book Paris Letters, is a memoir about how she became an artist in Paris selling illustrated letters. She has a vibrant Etsy shop and was one of the pioneering entrepreneurs featured on Etsy's Quit Your Day Job newsletter. She has been featured in Business Insider, Forbes, Canadian Living, Psychologies Today, Elle, Huff Post, and CBC.


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